Aeley Paw
Dental Assistant
Registration Coordinator
Aeley Paw is a Dental Assistant and Front Desk Coordinator at Ethnē Health.
She is originally from Myanmar and lived in Thailand along the border as a refugee with her family, until 2011 when her parents decided to move to the United States for a better life and better education. She has a Georgia State University Health Science Associate degree and a Dental School of Atlanta Dental Assistant certification. Prior to working at Ethnē Health, she worked with CPACS as an elementary school tutor.
She is passionate about Ethnē Health knowing that the clinic is Christian, spreading the Gospel to others, and helping the community. It makes her particularly happy to support the Clarkston community and help others, especially refugees and those in need. For her, every day is a good day at Ethnē Health because God wakes us up to experience a new day, and it makes her happy to serve those in need and see their smiling faces.
Outside of work she loves listening to music and playing badminton with friends.